Joining our regular varied range of traders, this month we have a specialist in collectable camping related objects including Primus Stoves and Ordinance Survey Maps. These objects will compliment our regular and popular antiques, silver, ceramics paintings, furniture, cigarette cards, agricultural curios and implements, clocks and numerous other collectables. Click the image below to read more about us.
Our next Pannier Antiques Fair is this Sunday 16th October 2016
Why not come and visit us this October and grab a bargain?
Free Entry and Parking
Situated 30 minutes from the M5 South Molton is an excellent place from which to explore further, to combine a visit to the market with a day out.
If you require any further information, please contact Michael Buckingham on 07973 803740 or michael@pannierantiques.com. Also on Twitter and Facebook @PannierAntiques.
Our established traders offer a fine range of goods and of particular note are those dealing in, paintings, ceramics, agricultural and garden items, film posters, postcards, cigarette cards and other collectibles are hugely popular. Our traders are also very keen to share their expertise.