Our next Antiques Market is this Sunday 18th September 2016 in The Pannier Market, South Molton
In addition to free entry and free parking the market café provides an excellent range of sandwiches in addition to teas and coffee.
Situated 30 minutes from the M5 South Molton is an excellent place from which to explore further, to combine a visit to the market with a day out.
If you are interested in taking a stand or require any further information, please contact michael Buckingham on 07973 803740 or michael@pannierantiques.com. Also on Twitter and Facebook @PannierAntiques.
Let us take the hassle out of selling your antiques online by using our Online Antique Store.
Selling your antiques on our Online Antique Store is cheaper than selling via an auction house, we will even photograph your items for you! Bring them to the Pannier Antiques Market in South Molton and let us photograph your items or supply us with your own photographs. We will upload the photographs and manage the payment for you…taking the hassle out of selling online.
Take advantage of the offer. We are much cheaper than selling in an auction house, where you will pay a 20% sellers fee on an item. If it goes under the hammer at £100 it will cost the buyer £120 and you will receive only £80. Sell your item through our online market at www.pannierantiques.com, the seller will pay, for example, £120 and you will receive £108. All without the hassle of making your own website.
[contact-form to=’michael@pannierantiques.com, peter@systemculture.com’ subject=’Place an Antique for Sale on PannierAntiques.com’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your Telephone’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Cost of Item’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Your Item%26#039;s Discription’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] Once we have recieved this form we will contact you and tell you how to upload photographs of your antiques to our site. Alternatively, let us take and upload photographs of your items at our monthly fair. |