Collectables and Antiques in North Devon
The third Sunday in the month is a date in your diary to visit Pannier Antiques in the Pannier Market in South Molton.

Where to buy antiques in North Devon?
Our next market in 2017 is on Sunday 18th June in the Pannier Market, South Molton from 10.00 to 3.00.
Free Entry and Parking
Situated 30 minutes from the M5 South Molton is an excellent place from which to explore further, to combine a visit to the market with a day out.
If you require any further information, please contact Michael Buckingham on 07973 803740 or Also on Twitter and Facebook @PannierAntiques.
Find a bargain. Find a unique gift. Find untold pleasures! Enjoy a Wonky Pancake. Enjoy excellent coffee and food. Sample the recently opened new restaurant. Enjoy a Sunday lunch at one of the pubs.